The Tooth Fairy Across Time and Cultures
ONE OF THE most prominent figures of the magic of childhood is the Tooth Fairy, but depending on…
DetailsONE OF THE most prominent figures of the magic of childhood is the Tooth Fairy, but depending on…
DetailsMOST OF US can still remember what it was like to lose a baby tooth, especially that major Big Kid milestone of losing the first…
DetailsMARCH IS WOMEN’S HISTORY MONTH, so we’re celebrating two trailblazers for women dentists in…
DetailsCANKER SORES MIGHT be small, but they tend to mean days of distracting discomfort. They are…
DetailsNEXT TO BRUSHING, the best tool we have for preventing tooth decay and gum disease is daily flossing, which is why it’s important…
DetailsSparkling Smiles From Your Family Dentist in Lakewood EVERYONE KNOWS HOW IMPORTANT it is to have healthy, clean teeth and gums. Good oral hygiene and regular visits to your family dentist in Lakewood, California, reduce bad breath, prevent tooth decay, and help keep your smile bright. At Dr. Mimi M. Cabanban Family Dentistry, we recommend…
DetailsTHESE DAYS, THERE are so many toothbrushes to choose from that it’s hard to find the right one for…
DetailsIDA GRAY WAS BORN in Clarksville, Tennessee in 1867. She became an orphan when…
DetailsMENTAL HEALTH AND physical health are tied together in ways we don’t always expect. That even…
DetailsSUGAR GOES BY MANY NAMES and hides where we’d least expect it. Molasses and…